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    Towards Intrusion-Tolerant Process Control Software

    November 19th, 2008

    Towards Intrusion-Tolerant Process Control Software
    Hugo Ortiz, Paulo Sousa, Paulo Veríssimo
    In Proceedings of the 4th Portuguese National Conference of Informatics Security in Organizations (SINO 2008 ), Coimbra, Portugal, November 2008.

    DSN 2009

    October 6th, 2008

    DSN’09 – International Conference on Distributed Systems and Networks
    Estoril, Portugal, 29th June – 2nd July, 2009

    Important dates:

    Workshop Proposals: October 13, 2008
    Mandatory Paper Abstracts: December 8, 2008
    Full Papers: December 15, 2008
    Panel Proposals: December 15, 2008
    Tutorial Proposals: January 12, 2009
    Fast Abstracts & Student Forum: April 6, 2009

    Pedro Almeida (Master student, ongoing)

    October 1st, 2008

    Pedro Miguel Machado de Almeida, Measuring Software Diversity through Vulnerability Data, Master/Mestrado em Informática.

    SINO 2008

    September 25th, 2008

    SINO 2008: 4th Portuguese National Conference of Informatics Security in Organizations, Nov 18-19, 2008.

    Summary (in portuguese):

    A Segurança Informática está na ordem do dia, no que diz respeito à segurança das organizações e indivíduos. Esta conferência constituirá uma excelente oportunidade de reflexão e discussão das diversas questões inerentes à segurança informática, quer na visão da investigação científica, quer como fórum de discussão envolvendo as empresas e instituições, para troca de experiências sobre aspectos teóricos e práticos bem como sobre projectos de I&D e experiências de adopção de diferentes tecnologias e práticas de segurança para sistemas computacionais.

    O evento juntará, num fórum aberto de discussão e debate, diferentes especialistas, investigadores, consultores, administradores de sistemas, responsáveis pela segurança e outros representantes das empresas e das diversas instituições.

    The FOREVER Service for Fault/Intrusion Removal

    April 20th, 2008

    The FOREVER Service for Fault/Intrusion Removal
    Paulo Sousa, Alysson Neves Bessani, Rafael R. Obelheiro
    In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems (WRAITS 2008). Glasgow, UK, April 2008.

    EDCC-7 Student Forum

    March 19th, 2008

    EDCC-7: 7th European Dependable Computing Conference, May 7-9, 2008.


    There is an increasing dependency of the society on computing services and their underlying computing systems. This dependency creates strict requirements for the delivered services. These requirements affect to the quality of service, continuous availability, survivability in the advent of catastrophic failures, confidentiality, intrusion tolerance, etc. Dependability is a concept that considers all these cross-cutting concerns and required attributes, such as reliability, availability, safety, and security, as well as human factors.

    The 7th European Dependable Computing Conference aims at providing a European-hosted venue for researchers and practioners from all over the world to present and discuss their latest research achievements. Original papers are solicited on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation, operation and evaluation of dependable computing systems. All kinds of faults are of interest, from traditional hardware and software faults to accidental and malicious human interactions.

    WRAITS 2008

    February 18th, 2008

    WRAITS 2008: 2nd Workshop on Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems, April 1st, 2008 (in conjunction with the European Conference on Computer Systems – EuroSys 2008).


    The 2nd Workshop on Recent Advances on Intrusion- Tolerant Systems aims to bring together researchers in the related areas of Intrusion Tolerance, Distributed Trust, Survivability, Byzantine Fault Tolerance, and Resilience. These areas have the purpose of enhancing the Dependability and Security of computer systems by tolerating both malicious faults (attacks, intrusions) and accidental faults. The workshop will be specially interested in “intrusion-tolerant systems”: how to build them? How to evaluate and test their dependability and security? What systems need to be intrusion-tolerant? The workshop will provide a forum for researchers in these areas to present recent results, discuss open problems that still need research, the steps that need to be taken for intrusion-tolerant systems to be deployed in practice, and the target application domains for intrusion tolerance.

    Resilient Intrusion Tolerance through Proactive and Reactive Recovery

    December 22nd, 2007

    Resilient Intrusion Tolerance through Proactive and Reactive Recovery
    [paper | extended version | slides PPS | slides PDF]
    Paulo Sousa, Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Paulo Veríssimo
    In Proceedings of the 13th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), Melbourne, Australia, pages 373-380, December 2007.

    RITAS: Randomized Intrusion Tolerance for Asynchronous Systems (2005-2007)

    December 3rd, 2007

    From May 2005 until Dec 2007 I’ve worked in the RITAS project, supported by the FCT.

    Fábio Souto (BSc internship, finished)

    September 1st, 2007

    Fábio Souto, Internals of Intrusion-tolerant Firewalls, BSc internship (Co-advised with Alysson Neves Bessani)