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    Short Bio

    Paulo Sousa is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Maxdata. Maxdata develops healthcare software solutions (Clinidata® software) for more than 30 years, having a strong presence in the largest Portuguese public hospitals in different areas and laboratories, namely, electronic requisition, clinical pathology, anatomic pathology, immunohematology (blood banking), epidemiologic surveillance (Healthcare Associated Infections) and responsibility terms management. Clinidata® software is also present in a significative amount of private laboratories, including reference laboratories integrated in international groups. He has more than 30 publications in international journals, conferences and workshops, and he is co-author of one book. He was an Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics of the University of Lisbon Faculty of Sciences, where he lectured many courses and was a co-instructor at the CMU/FCUL MSc in Information Security. He received a PhD degree in Computer Science (Informatics) from the University of Lisbon and a Licenciatura in Computer Science from the same university. He was ranked best computer science student in 2000 and 2001, and his PhD work was awarded with the IBM Scientific Prize in 2007. Paulo Sousa was a member of the LaSIGE laboratory and the Navigators research group, where he was involved in several international and national research projects related to real-time, intrusion tolerance and security, including the CORTEX, HIDENETS and CRUTIAL EC-IST projects, and the ReSIST NoE.


    Biografia Resumida

    Paulo Sousa é Director-Geral da Maxdata. Tem mais de 30 publicações em revistas, conferências e workshops nacionais  e internacionais, e é co-autor de um livro. Foi Professor Auxiliar Convidado do Departamento de Informática da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL), onde leccionou e foi responsável por várias disciplinas de licenciatura e mestrado, tendo sido também co-instrutor no Mestrado em Segurança Informática, um programa conjunto da Universidade de Lisboa e da Carnegie Mellon University. É doutorado e licenciado em Informática pela Universidade de Lisboa. Foi considerado o melhor aluno da FCUL em 2000 e obteve a distinção de melhor recém-licenciado em Informática em 2001. Ganhou o prestigiado Prémio Científico IBM em 2007 com um trabalho sobre segurança informática. Paulo Sousa foi membro do laboratório LaSIGE e do grupo de investigação Navigators, onde participou em vários projectos de investigação nacionais e internacionais relacionados com tempo real, tolerância a intrusões e segurança informática, incluindo os projectos europeus CORTEX, HIDENETS e CRUTIAL, e a rede de excelência ReSIST.

    Check my new book (co-authored with Miguel P. Correia)


    FNAC Colombo hosted the launch ceremony on October 19, 2010. Check the videos.

    The book is available at
    FCA | FNAC | Wook