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    ReD: Resilient Database Clusters

    April 1st, 2010

    ReD is a two-year research project (Apr 2010-Mar 2012) funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

    REGENESYS: Regeneration of Replicated Systems

    January 6th, 2010

    REGENESYS is a three-year research project (Jan 2010-Dec 2012) funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

    We have scholarships available to Master and PhD students that want to participate in this project. If you are interested in participating in this project, please send me an email.

    FOREVER: Fault/intrusiOn REmoVal through Evolution & Recovery (2008)

    October 5th, 2009

    During 2008, I was the coordinator of the FOREVER project, supported by the European Commission through the ReSIST NoE.

    CMU-Portugal Research and Education Partnership (2007-Now)

    October 3rd, 2009

    From Sep 2007 until now, I’m involved in the CMU-Portugal Research and Education Partnership, supported by the FCT.

    HIDENETS: HIghly DEpendable ip-based NETworks and Services (2006-2009)

    April 2nd, 2009

    From Jan 2006 until March 2009, I was involved in the HIDENETS project, supported by the European Commission.

    CRUTIAL: CRitical Utility InfrastructurAL resilience (2006-2009)

    April 2nd, 2009

    From Jan 2006 until March 2009, I was involved in the CRUTIAL project, supported by the European Commission.

    ReSIST NoE: Resilience for Survivability in IST (2006-2009)

    April 1st, 2009

    From Jan 2006 until March 2009, I was a member of the ReSIST Network-of-Excelence, supported by the European Commission.

    RITAS: Randomized Intrusion Tolerance for Asynchronous Systems (2005-2007)

    December 3rd, 2007

    From May 2005 until Dec 2007 I’ve worked in the RITAS project, supported by the FCT.

    Ph.D. (2004-2007)

    May 25th, 2007

    From 2004 until 2007, I’ve worked on my PhD thesis. The main goal was to design a system architecture in which protocols could tolerate, through proactive resilience, any number of arbitrary faults over the lifetime of a system.

    The initial PhD work plan is described here. Also available as a presentation.

    CORTEX: CO-operating Real-time senTient objects: architecture and EXperimental evaluation (2001-2004)

    March 31st, 2004

    From 2001 until 2004, I participated in the CORTEX european project. My research work was primarily focused on building the support for dependable adaptive real-time applications.

    In this context, I implemented the Timely Computing Base (TCB) on the Windows CE 3.0 operating system. This implementation was the basis for a CORTEX proof-of-concept prototype and for the development of one of the CORTEX final demonstrations.