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    Avoiding a cyber-triggered catastrophe

    October 28th, 2011

    An article I wrote two years ago (2009) for Atomium Culture was accepted one year ago (2010) and as a consequence it will be published in many European newspapers.

    I’ll be adding here the links to the articles as they get published:

    Next scheduled publications:

    • Irish Times (Ireland)
    • Rzcespospolita (Poland)


    Our Book is Out

    September 23rd, 2010

    In 2008, Miguel P. Correia and myself decided to write a book on software security. Two years (of really hard work) after, it is finally available!

    The book covers many themes related to software security, namely:

    • Vulnerabilities, Attacks and Intrusions
    • Buffer overflows, Cross-site scripting, SQL injection
    • Protecting against Copy and Modification of Software
    • Software Testing and Attack Injection
    • Static Code Analysis
    • Dynamic Protection Mechanisms
    • Virtualization
    • Trusted Computing

    More details about the book (in portuguese) can be found at its official website, at the publisher (FCA) website, and it can be bought online at FCA | FNAC | Wook

    Bruno Quaresma (Master student, finished)

    September 17th, 2010

    Bruno Quaresma, Serviço de Armazenamento Tolerante a Intrusões, Master/Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (co-advised with Alysson Neves Bessani), September 2010.

    ReD: Resilient Database Clusters

    April 1st, 2010

    ReD is a two-year research project (Apr 2010-Mar 2012) funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

    REGENESYS: Regeneration of Replicated Systems

    January 6th, 2010

    REGENESYS is a three-year research project (Jan 2010-Dec 2012) funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

    We have scholarships available to Master and PhD students that want to participate in this project. If you are interested in participating in this project, please send me an email.

    Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Security and Dependability Academy

    December 1st, 2009

    14-15th December, 2009
    Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa

    *see the Academy brochure*

    The Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Security and Dependability Academy is an opportunity for professionals of computer science and engineering or related areas, interested in improving their skills, to get in touch with the experts involved in the Dual Carnegie Mellon University – University of Lisboa Master of Science in Information Technology–Information Security (MSIT-IS).

    The Academy will provide a sample of the topics taught during the MSIT-IS program through a set of exciting technical lectures and hands-on experiments in the program’s lab, where the attendees will get the chance to try live cyber-attack and defense technologies.

    Although inspired by the MSIT-IS, the academy will be interesting on its own as a forum for discussion of the latest concepts in Security and Dependability.

    After the lectures and laboratory experiments, the academy will close with the Pen Testing Trophy, where a victim machine will be subject to penetration testing by willing participants competing for a mysterious trophy.

    Check the Program, Lectures details, Instructors, etc.

    INForum 2009

    March 28th, 2009

    INForum 2009Computer and Communications Security Track, Sep 10-11, 2009.

    Summary (in portuguese):

    O INForum tem como objectivo ser um evento privilegiado de reunião da comunidade nacional nas diversas vertentes da informática e ambiciona ser o fórum de eleição para a divulgação, discussão e reconhecimento de trabalhos científicos. O INForum surge com particular oportunidade como palco para a estreia de jovens investigadores que buscam a divulgação, a crítica construtiva e o encorajamento ao seu trabalho.

    O 1º INForum pretende ser abrangente e dinâmico no conjunto de tópicos abordados. Apresentará um conjunto de tópicos propostos e seleccionados anualmente, com sessões organizadas e realizadas de forma independente. Promove-se assim a massa crítica para o fortalecimento e evolução da informática no país criando-se, simultaneamente, espaço à evolução do contexto da conferência e fomentando a reunião de investigadores em áreas emergentes.

    O 1º INForum decorrerá nos dias 10 e 11 de Setembro de 2009 na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.

    DSN 2009

    October 6th, 2008

    DSN’09 – International Conference on Distributed Systems and Networks
    Estoril, Portugal, 29th June – 2nd July, 2009

    Important dates:

    Workshop Proposals: October 13, 2008
    Mandatory Paper Abstracts: December 8, 2008
    Full Papers: December 15, 2008
    Panel Proposals: December 15, 2008
    Tutorial Proposals: January 12, 2009
    Fast Abstracts & Student Forum: April 6, 2009

    How Resilient are Distributed f Fault/Intrusion-Tolerant Systems?

    June 30th, 2005

    How Resilient are Distributed f Fault/Intrusion-Tolerant Systems?
    [paper | slides with animations | slides without animations]
    Paulo Sousa, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Paulo Veríssimo
    In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’05). Yokohama, Japan, pages 98-107, June 2005.