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    IBWAS’10: Ibero-American Web Application Security Conference

    May 27th, 2010

    IBWAS’10:Ibero-American Web Application Security Conference , Nov 11-12, 2010.


    There is a change in the information systems development paradigm. The emergence of Web 2.0 technologies led to the extensive deployment and use of web-based applications and web services as a way to developed new and flexible information systems. Such systems are easy to develop, deploy and maintain and demonstrate impressive features for users, resulting in their current wide use.

    As a result of this paradigm shift, the security requirements have also changed. These web-based information systems have different security requirements, when compared to traditional systems. Important security issues have been found and privacy concerns have also been raised recently. In addition, the emerging Cloud Computing paradigm promises even greater flexibility; however corresponding security and privacy issues still need to be examined. The security environment should involve not only the surrounding environment but also the application core.

    This conference aims to bring together application security experts, researchers, educators and practitioners from the industry, academia and international communities such as OWASP, in order to discuss open problems and new solutions in application security. In the context of this track academic researchers will be able to combine interesting results with the experience of practitioners and software engineers.

    Ricardo Ramalho (Master student, finished)

    December 16th, 2009

    Ricardo Ramalho, Role Based Behavior Analysis, Mestrado em Segurança Informática (University of Lisboa) & Master Of Science in Information Technology – Information Security (Carnegie Mellon University), December 2009 (Co-advised with Prof. Hyong Kim, CMU).

    Sérgio Nunes (Thesis Committee)

    December 16th, 2009

    Sérgio Rodrigues Nunes, Web Attack Risk Awareness with Lessons Learned from High Interaction Honeypots, Mestrado em Segurança Informática (University of Lisboa) & Master Of Science in Information Technology – Information Security (Carnegie Mellon University), December 2009.

    Carlos Silva (Master student, finished)

    December 15th, 2009

    Carlos Silva, RAVE: Replicated Antivirus Engine, Mestrado em Segurança Informática (University of Lisboa) & Master Of Science in Information Technology – Information Security (Carnegie Mellon University), December 2009.

    IBWAS’09: Iberic Web Application Security

    November 19th, 2009

    IBWAS’09: Iberic Web Application Security, Dec 10-11, 2009.


    There is a change in the information systems development paradigm. The emergence of Web 2.0 technologies led to the extensive deployment and use of web-based applications and web services as a way to developed new and flexible information systems. Such systems are easy to develop, deploy and maintain and demonstrate impressive features for users, resulting in their current wide use.

    As a result of this paradigm shift, the security requirements have also changed. These web-based information systems have different security requirements, when compared to traditional systems. Important security issues have been found and privacy concerns have also been raised recently. In addition, the emerging Cloud Computing paradigm promises even greater flexibility; however corresponding security and privacy issues still need to be examined. The security environment should involve not only the surrounding environment but also the application core.

    This conference aims to bring together application security experts, researchers, educators and practitioners from the industry, academia and international communities such as OWASP, in order to discuss open problems and new solutions in application security. In the context of this track academic researchers will be able to combine interesting results with the experience of practitioners and software engineers.

    Gonçalo Martins (Master student, finished)

    November 5th, 2009

    Gonçalo Capelo de Jesus Martins, Governance, Risco e Conformidade, Master/Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (co-advised with Eng. Sérgio Sá), November 2009.

    MIUP 2009

    August 19th, 2009

    MIUP 2009: National Programming Contest, Oct 10, 2009.

    Summary (in portuguese):

    A Maratona Inter-Universitária de Programação (MIUP) é uma prova de programação que tem como destinatários os estudantes do ensino superior. A prova é disputada por equipas, com um máximo de 3 elementos, onde, durante 5 horas as equipas procurarão resolver 8 a 9 problemas diversos recorrendo às linguagens de programação C,C++, Java ou Pascal.

    A competição permite que os participantes testem a sua capacidade de resolução de problemas, possibilitando, em simultâneo, o convívio e a troca de experiências entre alunos e professores das instituições de ensino superior portuguesas.

    Este ano, a MIUP terá lugar na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Águeda da Universidade de Aveiro a 10 de Outubro de 2009.

    Rogério Correia (Master student, finished)

    July 22nd, 2009

    Rogério Paulo Fonseca Correia, WEST – Wormhole-Enhanced State Transfer, Master/Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, July 2009.

    João Nunes (Master student, finished)

    July 13th, 2009

    João Pedro Borralho Ferreira Nunes, Visibilidade – Monitorização e Resposta a Incidentes, Master/Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (co-advised with Eng. Sérgio Sá), July 2009.

    TIUP 2009 – 2nd stage

    April 2nd, 2009

    TIUP 2009 – 2nd stage, April 22, 2009

    Summary (in portuguese):

    O Torneio Inter-Universitário de Programação (TIUP) é um torneio de programação para estudantes universitários que proporciona uma excelente oportunidade para estes testarem a sua capacidade de resolução de problemas. Para além do aspecto competitivo, o TIUP possibilita também o convívio e troca de experiências entre alunos e professores das Universidades portuguesas.

    O torneio é composto por cinco ou seis provas mensais, realizadas entre Março e Setembro. Cada prova é organizada por uma comissão científica de uma Universidade portuguesa, responsável pela elaboração dos problemas e pela preparação e gestão do sistema web de avaliação automática (Mooshak).

    A participação é feita de forma remota em cada Universidade. As provas do TIUP são disputadas por equipas com (no máximo) 3 elementos, tendo a duração de 3 horas para resolução de 5 a 6 problemas com recurso às linguagens de programação C, C++ ou Java (outras linguagens podem eventualmente vir a ser utilizadas).

    A 2ª prova do TIUP 2009 será organizada pelo Departamento de Informática da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, no dia 22 de Abril, entre as 17h e as 20h. A comissão científica é composta pelos seguintes elementos (por ordem alfabética):

    Francisco Couto
    Carlos Duarte
    Luis Cruz Filipe
    Hugo Miranda
    Isabel Nunes
    João Sarmento
    Paulo Sousa

    O URL do avaliador automático será divulgado em breve.